Ovaries...check. Sperm...check. Ovulation...check. Wait...no check.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

I suck at this!

I'm really bad at blogging on here! I think it's because the fertility stuff is all I think about/talk about lately and I also blog about it on myspace and livejournal.

Anyway.....My husband leaves in about 5 weeks for Iraq. 15 months without him...that's gonna be awful. It'll be more like 18 most likely by the time we are living together again. So, we had our lovely clomid last round and it didn't work out. Not pregnant...I really hated seeing that on that stupid $13 test more than seeing one line on a cheaper test. Just made it worse. It's like a pregnancy test that is laughing at you in text. They should add "lol" at the end.

Anyway...we're on another round of clomid now (50mg) and it's our last chance to get pregnant before he leaves. I'm moving before he goes away, so I don't get that next cycle with him. I hate that but it's ok. Today is CD 10, so I'll start peeing on my little sticks to see if I'm ovulating. I at least know that I will since the clomid worked last time. I actually ovulated!!! My progesterone was 14.5...YAY! That's twice what it is without clomid. I'm just praying that it works out this cycle. If not...I have plans for the time he's gone. I know we'll get pregnant after we're together again. I'm going to spend all my time getting in to great shape. I need to lose weight anyway...I'm very unhappy with my body.

Sooooo......I'll update when I get a pos on an OPK! Hopefully that will be in the next 3 or 4 days!

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