Ovaries...check. Sperm...check. Ovulation...check. Wait...no check.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

What the Dr. Ordered

I had forgotten what it was like to not worry about anything until I went on this cruise last week! I am normally a stresser...a big fat one. I mean, I worry about everything and make things huge, no matter if they really are or not. I was shocked to realize that while I was gone, I didn't think about anything. Not even TTC! It felt good to have nothing that I had to do. I felt like I did when I was a teenager with no worries. I love Disney! We're already planning to go on a 7-night cruise now, once the hubby is back from Iraq next fall. Just have to save up, which should be no problem. I am trying to maintain this feeling that I have right now, and not stress over stuipd things, and so far so good.

On the TTC front, nothing really going on. I used an ov test last night, and so far haven't ov'ed. I am really hoping to get two lines on one of those suckers this month. I suppose that as long as my bloodwork comes back like it should this time and my cyst is better, I'll be on clomid for that. I'd much rather my body do it itself...ya know, like it's supposed to. I think it missed that memo. I get my next blood work done on the first and then my scan is on the 14th, so hopefully next cycle will be a better one. I'm hoping that I'm one of the lucky that gets pregnant on the first round of clomid.

I was really determined to get pregnant before O leaves for Iraq, but I think I'm doing ok with the idea of that being postponed. I can handle it if I'm not. Stupid Iraq.

1 comment:

Tara said...

I'm a big stresser too. About the smallest (and the biggest) of things.

Enjoy your post holiday relaxion. Glad you had a good time.

Good luck with the cycle.